Submission Guidelines

Do you know of a great family destination in or around the Grass Valley area? How about for a weekend-away or even for a vacation or road trip? Please send me a link to the destination's website using the form below and I'll add it to the website as soon as I get a chance. You are also welcome to write a review and send photos, if you have that kind of time :).

I also publish event listings, but I have some stricter guidelines because I want to avoid cluttering up the site with small, repeating  events or those events that really aren't suitable for children. Before sending me an event listing, please read the following guidelines carefully. To receive a listing at GVFamilyFun your event needs to be:

  1. Annual. I can't list weekly events, ongoing events (such as plays, story day at the library, farmer's markets etc.) I know that these events are very worthy and great for our community but it's too difficult to maintain those kinds of entries and there are so many of them that listing them all would make it too hard for parents to sort through and find what they're looking for.
  2. Child-focused, or at least something that caters to children. If you're not sure, ask yourself if most kids would be thrilled to be at the event (the Nevada County Fair is a good example) or if they would mostly just drag their heels there and complain that they're bored. The Bluegrass Festival is an example of an event that I probably wouldn't list here. I know, some kids love it. But if there aren't kid-oriented activities there or if the main event itself is really more focused on adults, this website isn't really the right place to list it.

    The Penn Valley Rodeo is an example of something that could go either way--I list it here because there are pony rides, a kid-fun area and because the main event is something that kids are going to enjoy watching, even though it's more of a grown-up-oriented event.

I know that number 2 is pretty subjective, so if you have questions or doubts or would just like to make your case for why your event should be on GVFamilyFun, just contact me using the form below.

Thank you!


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